妈妈 调教 丁香花叶新药用部位的初步性商讨建造与应用Preliminary Research and Development and Application of New Medicinal Parts in Lilac Leaf

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    妈妈 调教 丁香花叶新药用部位的初步性商讨建造与应用Preliminary Research and Development and Application of New Medicinal Parts in Lilac Leaf

    发布日期:2024-10-08 13:40    点击次数:149

    妈妈 调教 丁香花叶新药用部位的初步性商讨建造与应用Preliminary Research and Development and Application of New Medicinal Parts in Lilac Leaf

    Tianjin Behigh Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd妈妈 调教, Tianjin

    Email: ycbyrl@163.com


    Received: Apr. 11th, 2013; revised: Apr. 26th, 2013; accepted: May 2nd, 2013

    Copyright © 2013 Ruili Yao. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


    Cloves are commonly utilized all around the world except the blooms and leaves consisting of effective components such as organic acids,狠狠撸 glycosides, volatile oils, which can make many kinds of preparations. In clinic tests, they present pharmacologic action, antibiosis, antiviral, anti-inflammation and enhancement of body’s immune system and etc. Clove leaves and skin-grafting can be applied as medicinal resources, which leads the total research and evelopment trend of new medicinal parts of traditional Chinese medicine new resources nowadays. For example, it is available in effective extraction, refinement and supercritical applications, which plays an important role in the development of northern Chinese herbs.

    Keywords: Lilac Leaf; New Resources; New Parts for Medicine; Research Development and Application




    Email: ycbyrl@163.com

    摘 要:



    关节词:丁香花叶;新资源;新药用部位;商讨建造与应用妈妈 调教
